U.S. Secretary of Commerce Unveils AI Safety Goals at AI Seoul Summit

Written by Jeremy Werner

Jeremy is an experienced journalists, skilled communicator, and constant learner with a passion for storytelling and a track record of crafting compelling narratives. He has a diverse background in broadcast journalism, AI, public relations, data science, and social media management.
Posted on 05/22/2024
In News

As the AI Seoul Summit kicks off, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced a strategic vision for the U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute (AISI) and outlined ambitious plans to enhance AI safety globally. Raimondo emphasized the Biden administration’s commitment to responsible AI development, unveiling plans for a global network of AI Safety Institutes and a future convening in San Francisco.


Raimondo’s announcement highlighted the Department of Commerce’s strategic vision for AISI, emphasizing the importance of mitigating AI risks to harness its benefits. The vision, crafted under President Biden’s leadership, underscores the role of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in spearheading AI safety initiatives. The AISI, launched by NIST, aims to advance the science of AI safety and ensure responsible AI innovation.


“Recent advances in AI carry exciting, life-changing potential for our society, but only if we do the hard work to mitigate the very real dangers of AI that exist if it is not developed and deployed responsibly,” said Raimondo. She stressed the necessity of cooperation with international allies to establish global standards for AI safety. “Safety fosters innovation, so it is paramount that we get this right and that we do so in concert with our partners around the world to ensure the rules of the road on AI are written by societies that uphold human rights, safety, and trust.”


The strategic vision released by Raimondo outlines the AISI’s mission and goals, rooted in the principles that beneficial AI depends on safety, and that AI safety is grounded in science. The AISI plans to address challenges such as the lack of standardized metrics for advanced AI, underdeveloped testing methods, and limited coordination on AI safety issues.


The AISI’s key goals include Advancing the science of AI safety, demonstrating and disseminating best practices for AI safety, and supporting institutions and communities focused on AI safety. To achieve these goals, AISI will conduct testing of advanced AI models, develop guidelines for evaluations and risk mitigations, and coordinate technical research. Collaboration with the AI industry, civil society, and international partners will be crucial in these efforts.


In addition to the strategic vision, Raimondo announced the launch of a global scientific network for AI safety. This network will involve meaningful engagement with AI Safety Institutes and government-backed scientific offices focused on AI safety worldwide. The initiative builds on the foundational understanding achieved at the AI Seoul Summit and the Seoul Statement of Intent toward International Cooperation on AI Safety Science.


The network aims to enhance international cooperation and promote safe, secure, and trustworthy AI systems. It will expand on existing collaborations with AI Safety Institutes in the UK, Japan, Canada, Singapore, and the European AI Office. Raimondo emphasized that this network would catalyze a new phase of international coordination on AI safety science and governance.


To further international collaboration, the AISI plans to convene AI Safety Institutes and other stakeholders later this year in the San Francisco area. The AISI has recently established a presence in the Bay Area, leveraging the location to recruit additional talent and foster innovation.




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