White House Directs Federal Agencies to Prioritize Responsible AI Governance and Innovation

Written by Jeremy Werner

Jeremy is an experienced journalists, skilled communicator, and constant learner with a passion for storytelling and a track record of crafting compelling narratives. He has a diverse background in broadcast journalism, AI, public relations, data science, and social media management.
Posted on 03/29/2024
In News

In a significant AI development, United States Vice President Kamala Harris revealed that the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is rolling out its inaugural government-wide policy aimed at mitigating the risks associated with AI while harnessing its benefits. This announcement marks a pivotal step in fulfilling a crucial aspect of President Joe Biden’s momentous AI Executive Order, which mandated comprehensive actions to bolster AI safety and security, safeguard privacy, promote equity and civil rights, ensure consumer and worker protection, foster innovation and competition, and elevate American leadership worldwide.


Federal agencies have diligently executed all the tasks outlined in the Executive Order, including the completion of the 150-day actions, further reinforcing the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to spearheading responsible AI innovation. The recent unveiling of OMB’s groundbreaking policy underscores the administration’s unwavering dedication to steering America towards the forefront of ethical AI development.


The newly unveiled policy encompasses a multifaceted approach, focusing on addressing risks stemming from AI utilization, expanding transparency in AI usage, promoting responsible AI innovation, nurturing the AI workforce, and fortifying AI governance. Under this directive, federal agencies are mandated to implement robust safeguards by December 1, 2024, to ensure that AI applications uphold Americans’ rights and safety. These safeguards encompass a spectrum of measures, including rigorous assessments, testing protocols, and ongoing monitoring mechanisms to mitigate the risks associated with algorithmic discrimination and promote transparency in AI deployment across various sectors, ranging from healthcare and education to employment and housing.


Furthermore, the policy places a premium on enhancing public transparency surrounding AI usage by requiring federal agencies to release expanded inventories of their AI use cases. These inventories will shed light on the AI applications impacting rights or safety and elucidate the measures undertaken to mitigate associated risks. Additionally, agencies are obligated to report metrics about sensitive AI use cases and notify the public of any AI exemptions granted, accompanied by justifications.


In a bid to foster responsible AI innovation, OMB’s policy seeks to eliminate unnecessary barriers hindering federal agencies’ AI initiatives. The transformative potential of AI in addressing societal challenges, such as climate crises and public health emergencies, is underscored, with agencies encouraged to explore innovative AI applications underpinned by robust safeguards. The guidance extends to advancing the AI workforce, with the administration pledging to recruit 100 AI professionals by Summer 2024 to bolster the deployment of AI technologies in the public sector.


Moreover, to bolster AI governance, agencies are directed to designate Chief AI Officers and establish AI Governance Boards to oversee AI deployment and governance within their respective domains. These measures are aimed at ensuring accountability, leadership, and oversight in AI implementation across federal agencies, bolstering the government’s capacity to navigate the complexities of AI adoption while safeguarding public interests.


Keeping track of the everchanging AI landscape can be tough, especially if you have questions and concerns about how it will impact you. Don’t hesitate to reach out to BABL AI. Their Audit Experts are ready to provide valuable assistance.

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