BABL AI CEO talks with Clark Hill about Compliance Strategies for AI/ML Technologies & Automated Tools: What In-House Professionals Need to Know

Written by Jeffery Recker

Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of BABL AI.
Posted on 03/09/2023
In In the News

BABL AI CEO Dr. Shea Brown was invited to talk with Mariah Jaworski from Clark Hill and Managing Director Carol Piovesan from INQ Consulting to talk about various laws, legislative proposals and technical guidance into actionable compliance strategies for organizations that use AI/ML technologies and automated decision-making tools.

In this panel discussion they talk about:

  1. How to work with AI/ML vendors (due diligence, contractual arrangements);
  2. How to evaluate the use of AI/ML technologies and automated tools to ensure quality outcomes and prevent against bias and discrimination (bias audits and assessments);
  3. How to communicate the use of these technologies to impacted individuals;
  4. What rights to offer individuals who are impacted by a business use of AI/ML or automated tool technologies.

View webinar recording here.

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