G20 Approves Landmark Digital Economy Agenda in Brazil, Prioritizing AI, Digital Inclusion, and Combating Disinformation

Written by Jeremy Werner

Jeremy is an experienced journalists, skilled communicator, and constant learner with a passion for storytelling and a track record of crafting compelling narratives. He has a diverse background in broadcast journalism, AI, public relations, data science, and social media management.
Posted on 09/19/2024
In News

At the G20 ministerial meeting on the digital economy, held in Maceió, Brazil, on September 13, 2024, the group reached a consensus on key issues, including digital inclusion, the ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI), and the fight against disinformation


Brazil’s Minister of Communications, Juscelino Filho, hosted the meeting and celebrated the group’s success in formulating a robust agenda. He expressed confidence that the discussions held in Brazil would be carried forward when South Africa takes over the G20 presidency in December 2024. South Africa’s Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, Solly Malatsi, confirmed that his country would continue working with Brazil to drive digital progress, particularly to lift people out of poverty through technology.


The G20 ministers committed to promoting digital inclusion by investing in infrastructure to enhance connectivity and expand citizens’ access to online public services. They emphasized the need for inclusive and fair AI systems, with a specific focus on how AI can help achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in combating hunger, poverty, and climate change.


Luciana Santos, Brazil’s Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, who led the discussions on AI, highlighted the need for international collaboration to ensure that developing countries can build their own AI infrastructures. The declaration also stressed the importance of AI systems that reflect linguistic, social, cultural, and territorial diversity. The G20 nations committed to the safe, ethical, and trustworthy development of AI, recognizing the risks posed by bias and misuse of the technology.


For the first time, the G20 addressed the growing threat of disinformation and its impact on democracies and economies. The ministers agreed on the need for public policies and legislation to enhance transparency and accountability on digital platforms. The Maceió Declaration also called for investments in digital literacy and security, along with the creation of global standards for identifying AI-generated content.


João Brant, Secretary of Digital Policies at the Secretariat of Communication of the Presidency of Brazil, stressed the importance of this initiative, noting that disinformation threatens trust in institutions and economies. The declaration launched the Global Initiative for Climate Change Information Integrity, aiming to combat disinformation on climate change.


Another key topic at the meeting was the digitalization of public services. The G20 ministers committed to investing in digital public infrastructure to improve access to government services. They also launched the “G20 General Principles for Digital Identity Governance” to guide member nations in establishing secure and efficient digital identities.


Esther Dweck, Brazil’s Minister of Management and Innovation of Public Services, emphasized the importance of improving data-sharing practices between public and private sectors, while ensuring privacy and security. The group recognized the role of free software and international standards in achieving these goals.


Finally, the G20 ministers agreed to work on closing connectivity gaps, particularly in developing economies. They launched the “Guidelines on Indicators and Metrics for Universal and Meaningful Connectivity,” which outline strategies to build necessary infrastructure and promote digital literacy.



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