NATO Updates AI Strategy to Address Emerging Challenges and Leverage Opportunities

Written by Jeremy Werner

Jeremy is an experienced journalists, skilled communicator, and constant learner with a passion for storytelling and a track record of crafting compelling narratives. He has a diverse background in broadcast journalism, AI, public relations, data science, and social media management.
Posted on 07/18/2024
In News

NATO has unveiled a revised Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy aimed at harnessing the transformative potential of AI technologies while addressing associated risks and ensuring responsible usage within the Alliance. This updated strategy builds on NATO’s 2021 AI Strategy and outlines new goals and outcomes to improve AI readiness, enhance interoperability, and maintain security.


The capabilities of AI technologies, particularly generative AI, have rapidly advanced, allowing for the generation of complex text, code, and realistic images and audio at unprecedented volumes. As these technologies become increasingly indistinguishable from human-produced content, NATO recognizes the necessity of integrating AI into its operations as soon as possible. The revised AI Strategy emphasizes the importance of leveraging these advancements to enhance NATO’s defense and security capabilities.


NATO’s 2021 AI Strategy established a strategic vision with four primary aims and six outcomes, supported by six Principles of Responsible Use (PRUs) for AI in defense: Lawfulness, Responsibility and Accountability, Explainability and Traceability, Reliability, Governability, and Bias Mitigation. The revised strategy continues to build on these principles, focusing on key goals such as leading by example, encouraging the responsible development and use of AI for defense and security purposes, mainstreaming AI adoption in capability development and delivery, and managing AI-related risks while protecting NATO’s ability to innovate.


The revised strategy updates and expands the outcomes identified in the 2021 AI Strategy, reflecting progress made and incorporating new objectives. It aims to expand the range of AI use cases and specific requirements within NATO, adhering to PRUs to accelerate digital transformation. NATO is also committed to measurable steps for integrating AI into Allied capabilities through the NATO Defence Planning Process, building a capable AI-ready workforce across the Alliance, and developing standards, assessment templates, and review processes for responsible AI adoption.


Enhancing understanding of AI’s opportunities and risks through comprehensive monitoring of AI and data technology trends is a priority. NATO will establish an Alliance-wide AI Testing, Evaluation, Verification & Validation (TEV&V) landscape to ensure the responsible adoption of AI. Promoting interoperability between AI systems throughout the Alliance and contributing to the development of norms and standards for responsible AI use in defense and security are also key objectives. Additionally, NATO aims to implement measures to manage the convergence of AI with other emerging disruptive technologies.


NATO plans to act as a platform for information exchange and the sharing of good practices among Allies, focusing on AI safety and the ethical use of AI technologies. The Alliance aims to strengthen its understanding of AI services, skilled testers, and public and private AI safety bodies, ensuring access to specialized laboratories and testing facilities. This will help NATO determine the opportunities and challenges of AI technologies and develop best practices in TEV&V and certification.


The revised strategy emphasizes the responsible adoption of AI capabilities in line with NATO’s PRUs, reflecting the United Nations General Assembly’s resolution on AI. Addressing the impact of AI on the military and civilian workforce will be crucial, requiring retraining programs, expertise development, and the integration of technical experts into military operations.



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