Senate Committee Passes Bipartisan Future of AI Innovation Act

Written by Jeremy Werner

Jeremy is an experienced journalists, skilled communicator, and constant learner with a passion for storytelling and a track record of crafting compelling narratives. He has a diverse background in broadcast journalism, AI, public relations, data science, and social media management.
Posted on 08/09/2024
In News

The U.S. Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee has passed the bipartisan Future of AI Innovation Act, a significant step towards maintaining U.S. leadership in the global race to develop artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies. The bill, spearheaded by Senators Maria Cantwell, Todd Young, John Hickenlooper, Marsha Blackburn, Ben Ray Luján, Roger Wicker, and Kyrsten Sinema, aims to foster strong partnerships between government, business, civil society, and academia to advance AI research and innovation.


The bill authorizes the U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute (AISI) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and establishes testbeds with national labs to accelerate groundbreaking AI innovation. Senator Young highlighted the critical nature of this bill, noting, “The Future of AI Innovation Act is critical to maintaining American leadership in the global race to advance AI. This bipartisan bill will create important partnerships between government, the private sector, and academia to establish voluntary standards and best practices that will ensure a fertile environment for AI innovation while accounting for potential risks. One of my top priorities for federal AI policy is to ensure these technologies are developed in a manner that reflects our democratic values and supports innovation continuing to flourish in the United States, and today’s vote represents an important step forward in that effort.”


Senator Cantwell emphasized the importance of this legislation, stating, “The Cantwell-Young Future of AI Innovation Act builds on recommendations of the National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee to encourage strong public-private collaboration, drive innovation and support U.S. competitiveness. It codifies the AI Safety Institute at NIST that is already developing voluntary guidelines and tests for advanced AI models and systems, and will gather leading private sector and government experts to promote voluntary standards. Our bill will also create joint testbeds with our national laboratories to assess the most complex AI models, create new materials for advanced manufacturing and make new scientific discoveries for the benefit of the U.S. economy.”


Senator Hickenlooper echoed the sentiments of responsible innovation, stating, “Artificial intelligence has enormous potential, but it’s up to us to make sure it’s harnessed for responsible innovation. Our bipartisan Future of AI Innovation Act empowers the U.S. AI Safety Institute to develop the research, standards, and partnerships we need without compromising our position at the forefront of this technology.”


The bill also encourages coordination between the U.S. government and industry to capitalize on the promise of AI, as emphasized by Senator Blackburn. “The Future of AI Innovation Act encourages coordination between the U.S. government and industry to capitalize on the promise of AI to revolutionize our lives,” Blackburn said. “The bill mobilizes the expertise of our National Laboratories, like Oak Ridge National Laboratory, to create testbeds for synthesizing new materials for AI systems. It would also require the identification of regulatory barriers to AI innovation and strengthens our national posture in standard setting bodies – making sure the government helps, rather than hinders, technological advancement. These policies will help us use AI to find solutions for important issues facing Americans today, including detecting fentanyl and illicit contraband and improving border security.”


Senator Sinema added, “AI and other emerging technologies present strong opportunities for American innovation, growth, and security – we’re working to strengthen partnerships between government, businesses, and universities to tackle the challenges of the future.”


The bill has garnered significant support from the AI community, with over 45 leading tech organizations, companies, and AI safety policy advocates urging its passage. This legislation also aligns with other initiatives, including the NSF AI Education Act and the Small Business Artificial Intelligence Training Act, both aimed at expanding educational opportunities and supporting small businesses in leveraging AI technologies.



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