South Carolina Forms Committee on AI

Written by Jeremy Werner

Jeremy is an experienced journalists, skilled communicator, and constant learner with a passion for storytelling and a track record of crafting compelling narratives. He has a diverse background in broadcast journalism, AI, public relations, data science, and social media management.
Posted on 11/17/2023
In News

South Carolina Forms Committee on AI

While the global community grapples with the implications of AI, a legislative body in the United States is gearing up to address the complex landscape of artificial intelligence in 2024. On November 13, South Carolina State House Speaker Murrell Smith, representing District 67, made a significant announcement, revealing the establishment of a dedicated House Committee in the state. This committee, led by State Representative Jeff Bradley of District 123, is poised to conduct a comprehensive study on AI, cybercrime, and cybersecurity, exploring both the positive and negative implications of the rapidly advancing technology in the state.


As AI increasingly becomes an integral part of daily life, policy development struggles to keep pace with technological advancements. The newly formed House Committee, as described in the press release, seeks to reverse this trend, positioning South Carolina as a pioneer with a standing committee dedicated to navigating the complexities of AI.


The press release underscores the escalating significance of AI technology and the committee’s formation as a response to the imperative need to ensure the protection and welfare of South Carolina citizens in this evolving technological landscape. AI’s potential impact spans every sector of the state, from its workforce to its education system. The primary objective of the committee is to conduct a thorough examination of AI technology and formulate strategies that safeguard the rights and interests of the citizens.


Speaker Murrell Smith emphasized the critical need for a comprehensive exploration of the impact of rapidly evolving technologies on the state’s citizens. He stated, “Only through careful examination and understanding can we ensure that these innovations are harnessed for the betterment of society, safeguarding the rights and well-being of South Carolina’s citizens first and foremost.”


State Chairman Jeff Bradley expressed pride in South Carolina taking a leading role in navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by AI and emerging technologies. Acknowledging the incredible potential and significant challenges that come with the rapid growth of AI, Bradley aims for the committee to ensure that South Carolina’s citizens benefit from AI’s potential while safeguarding against potential risks.


The committee’s formation is viewed as a forward-looking move, with Speaker Smith intending to propose to the full House that the committee becomes a permanent part of the House structure after the General Assembly organizes toward the end of 2024.


The appointed committee members, including State Chairman Jeff Bradley, State Representative Terry Alexander, Representative Tom Hartnett, Representative Max Hyde, Representative Neal Collins, Representative Chandra Dillard, Representative Brandon Guffey, Representative Travis Moore, Representative Seth Rose, Representative Sylleste Davis, Representative Heath Sessions, Representative Wendell Jones, Representative Bart Blackwell, Representative Gil Gatch, Representative Carl Anderson, Representative Gary Brewer, Representative Don Chapman, Representative Mike Neese, and Representative Matt Leber, form a diverse and dedicated team ready to delve into the intricate landscape of AI. This initiative is expected to position South Carolina at the forefront of states actively addressing the challenges and harnessing the benefits of AI technology for the betterment of its citizens.


For assistance in navigating global AI compliance changes, feel free to contact BABL AI. Their team of audit experts is ready to provide valuable guidance and support.

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