Wisconsin Lawmakers Discuss AI Deepfake Bill

Written by Jeremy Werner

Jeremy is an experienced journalists, skilled communicator, and constant learner with a passion for storytelling and a track record of crafting compelling narratives. He has a diverse background in broadcast journalism, AI, public relations, data science, and social media management.
Posted on 11/08/2023
In News

Wisconsin Lawmakers Discuss AI Deepfake Bill

As leaders in the United States and around the world deliberate on the future of AI, local leaders are taking steps to address AI-related issues. In Wisconsin, lawmakers are engaging in discussions about a bipartisan bill focused on AI and deepfakes, referred to as synthetic media, particularly in political campaign advertisements. The proposed bill mandates certain disclosures for any audio or video communication paid for by entities such as candidate committees, legislative campaign committees, political action committees, independent expenditure committees, political parties, recall committees, or referendum committees if it contains synthetic media.


According to the bill, every audio communication featuring synthetic media must include the statement “Contains content generated by AI” both at the beginning and end of the communication. The same requirement applies to video communication, specifying that the phrase “This video content generated by AI” must be readable, legible, and readily accessible. If the content is solely in audio form within a video communication, a similar disclosure must be made using “This audio content generated by AI.” If synthetic media is used for both video and audio, the disclosure should state “This content generated by AI.”


Violations of the bill’s requirements could result in a forfeiture of up to $1,000 per violation. Additionally, Wisconsin’s Ethics Commission is granted the authority to establish rules that create limited exceptions to these requirements. The bill also empowers the Commission with rule-making authority to implement the provisions of the legislation.


This legislative effort follows the announcement of a Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence by Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers on August 23. The Task Force aims to comprehend, adapt to, and leverage AI to ensure the stability and resilience of the state’s workforce and industry.

For assistance in navigating U.S. laws, regulations, and executive orders, don’t hesitate to contact BABL AI. One of their audit experts can provide valuable guidance and support.

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